Deleting your Wallet profile and all associated data is irreversible and will result in the loss of your subscription, including the Premium plan if purchased. Once this action is performed, it cannot be undone, and the deleted Wallet account will no longer exist in our system.
- Select "≡" in the top left
- Select "Settings" on the bottom
- Select "Personal Data & Privacy"
- Scroll down and select "Delete profile and all data"
- Select "More" in the bottom right
- Select "Settings"
- Select "Personal Data & Privacy"
- Select "Delete profile and all data"
Web App
- Select your profile in the top right.
- Select "Settings"
- Select "Personal data & privacy"
- Select "Delete profile and all data"
Delete all your data and start over while keeping your subscription
If you wish to reset all data in Wallet while keeping your account and subscription intact, follow the article How can i start over and delete all data?