Experiencing balance issues? If the displayed balance is incorrect, consider checking for any false records or duplicate transactions if you do not find any you can manually adjust the balance to resolve the issue. An alternative solution is to create a dummy record to adjust the balance to the correct value.
Workaround to Adjust Balance
Adjusting balance is only possible for manual or disconnected accounts.
- Go to the main page
- Select your account
- in the bottom left of accounts a button now shows 'Account Details'
- Select the blue pencil, next to the balance to adjust the balance
- Adjust by Record: Creates a record to change your balance
- Adjust initial Balance: Directly change the initial balance without creating a record
- Save it.
- Select 'More' in the bottom right
- Select 'Settings'
- Select 'Accounts'
- Select your account to edit
- Tap Current Balance and change it to the desired amount.
Web App
- Go to 'accounts'
- Select your account
- Select 'Edit'
- Change 'Starting Amount'
- Save it.
Not solved?
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact support by clicking the "Submit a Request" button below with the following details:
- Country
- Bank name
- Last 4 digits of your account
- Account type (Current account, Credit Card, Savings)
- Screenshot of the balance in Wallet and your Online Web Banking (hide any sensitive information)
Submit a request button missing?
Please read the article on How do I contact support? and then return to this page to submit your ticket.